8Cam.—Macbeth in The Works of William Shakespeare, ed. W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright, “2nd edn,” 9 vols., 1891-93, VII (1892) (Cambridge Shakespeare)Capell—Mr William Shakespeare, his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, ed. Edward Capell, 10 vols., 1767-8, IV Capell, Notes—Edward Capell, Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare, 3 vols., 1779-80; references are to vol. II (1780), first pagination-sequence, unless otherwise notedCarter—Thomas Carter, Shakespeare and Holy Scripture, 1905Cercignani—Fausto Cercignani, Shakespeare’s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation, 1981Chambers—Macbeth, ed. E. K. Chambers, 1893 (Warwick Shakespeare)Changeling—Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, The Changeling (1622), ed. George W. Williams, 1966 (Regents Renaissance Drama)Chapman—The Plays of George Chapman: The Tragedies, gen. ed. Allan Holaday, 1987Clarendon—William Shakespeare, Select Plays: Macbeth, ed. W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright, 1869 (Clarendon Press Series)Clarkson and Warren—P. S. Clarkson and C. T. Warren, The Law of Property in Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Drama, 1942Coleridge—Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Coleridge’s Criticism of Shakespeare, ed. R. A. Foakes, 1989Collier—The Works of William Shakespeare, ed. J. Payne Collier, 8 vols., 1842-44, VII (1843)Collier2—Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems, ed. J. Payne Collier, 6 vols., V (1858)conj.—conjecture, conjectured bycorr.—correctedCotgrave—Randle Cotgrave, A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues, 1611Daemonologie—James VI and I, Daemonologie (in Newes)Davenant—Macbeth, a Tragedy [adapted by William Davenant] With all the alterations ... and New Songs. As it’s now acted at the Dukes Theatre, 1674De Quincey—Thomas De Quincey, “On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth” (1823) in The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey, ed. David Masson, 14 vols., 1889-90, X, 389-95Dekker—Thomas Dekker, Dramatic Works, ed. Fredson Bowers, 4 vols., 1953-61Dent—Robert W. Dent, Shakespeare’s Proverbial Language: An Index, 1981; reference is to proverbs by letter and numberDent, PLED—Robert W. Dent, Proverbial Language in English Drama, 1984Dessen—Alan Dessen, Elizabethan Stage Conventions and Modern Interpreters, 1984Dessen, “Problems”—Alan Dessen, “‘Taint not thy mind ...’: Problems and Pitfalls in Staging Plays at the New Globe” in Franklin J. Hildy, ed., New Issues in the Reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Theatre, 1990, pp. 135-57Dyce—The Works of William Shakespeare, ed. Alexander Dyce, 6 vols., 1857, VDyce2—The Works of William Shakespeare, ed. Alexander Dyce, 9 vols., 1864-7, VII (1866) Ù Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex $Palex $ %Palex % 0Palex 0 îPalex î öPalex ö õPalex õ ùPalex ù ûPalex û •Palex • ¶Palex ¶ ±Palex ± ≥Palex ≥ ∂Palex ∂ ∑Palex ∑ øPalex ø ¡Palex ¡ Palex ÃPalex à œPalex œ –Palex – ŸPalex ŸPalex Palex Palex !Palex !&Palex &'Palex '*Palex *+Palex +2Palex 23Palex 3;Palex ;<Palex <>Palex >?Palex ?JPalex J≤Palex ≤∏Palex ∏»Palex »”Palex ”‘Palex ‘◊Palex ◊ÿPalex ÿ‹Palex ‹›Palex ›ÊPalex ÊÌPalex ̘Palex ˜Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex "Palex "#Palex #.Palex ./Palex /<Palex <CPalex CKPalex KLPalex LSPalex SÑPalex ÑéPalex é¥Palex ¥∑Palex ∑∏Palex ∏√Palex √Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex Palex !Palex !(Palex (*Palex *-Palex -.Palex .7Palex 7VPalex V_Palex _uPalex u{Palex {|Palex |ÅPalex ÅÉPalex ÉäPalex äœPalex œ‚Palex ‚Palex Palex Palex &Palex &'Palex '*Palex *+Palex +.Palex ./Palex /:Palex :;Palex ;@Palex @GPalex GPPalex PjPalex jéPalex éßPalex ßÆPalex ÆØPalex Ø≤Palex ≤≥Palex ≥∏Palex ∏πPalex πªPalex ªºPalex º√Palex √ƒPalex ƒœPalex œPalex Palex Voyager Palex Palex Palex #Palex #%Palex %.Palex .0Palex 09Palex 9:Palex :=Palex =>Palex >CPalex CmPalex mrPalex réPalex éìPalex ìûPalex û¶Palex ¶∏Palex ∏πPalex π∫Palex ∫≈Palex ≈ΔPalex Δ»Palex »…Palex …ÃPalex ÃÕPalex Õ”Palex ”‘Palex ‘◊Palex ◊ÿPalex ÿflPalex fl‡Palex ‡ÁPalex ÁÓPalex Ó˙Palex ˙Palex Palex Palex !Palex !#Palex #+Palex +,Palex ,3Palex 35Palex 56Palex 67Palex 7>Palex >∂Palex ∂¿Palex ¿ÙPalex Ù˚Palex ˚Palex 2Palex 2cPalex ciPalex iyPalex yÅPalex ÅÇPalex ÇáPalex áÆPalex Æ≤Palex ≤√Palex √–Palex –—Palex —€Palex €‹Palex ‹‰Palex ‰ÊPalex ÊËPalex ËÈPalex ÈÓPalex Ó$Palex $*Palex *.Palex .?Palex ?IPalex IJPalex JRPalex RSPalex SUPalex UVPalex V]Palex ]^Palex ^cPalex cjPalex jpPalex p~Palex ~âPalex âäPalex äèPalex èêPalex êõPalex õúPalex úüPalex ü†Palex †¶Palex ¶ßPalex ß≥Palex ≥∫Palex ∫ÃPalex Ã⁄Palex ⁄€Palex @€ IPalex I ÇPalex Ç ïPalex ï ôPalex ô öPalex ö ∫Palex ∫ ·Palex · ÂPalex  ÊVoyager Ê ÁPalex Á